Announcement: First Week of Fall 2021 Semester (English)

한글학교 교장
2021-09-20 21:17
Welcome parents,
My name is Joo Won Park, and I am the director of Woori Korean Language School. I want to make a few new announcements before our first class on 9/26 at 1pm.

1. Below is the list of instructors (선생님). Their names are in Korean, but I am also providing you a proper way to call them. Your child’s teacher will contact you via email or text very soon.
박효선 (Ms. Park): PK
윤선호 (Ms. Yoon): K
박지선 (Ms. Park): 1
김미경 (Ms. Kim): 1
진순미 (Ms. Jin): 2
고명분 (Ms. Go): 3
박경선 (Ms. Park): 4
최서연 (Ms. Choi): 5
한수정 (Ms. Han): 5
박영자 (Ms. Park): 6
주종두 (Mr. Ju): 7
박주원 (Mr. Park): 8
이니나 (Ms. Lee): volunteers and tutors

2. Students only need to bring writing tools (pencil and pen). The school will provide a backpack and textbooks.

3. If your children are attending our school for the first time, please talk with them regarding the curriculum level after the class. It is common for students to change their grades in our school. Please let your teacher know if your child wants to move up or down a grade or two.

4. We also provide one-on-one tutoring for older students with no previous experience learning/speaking Korean. If you do not speak Korean at home or cannot assist your child’s Korean homework, tutoring might be an excellent option for students to jump-start. Please let your teacher know if you want to try the tutoring option.

5. Please follow the State/County COVID-19 guidelines. As a reminder, all participants of the Korean School (teachers, staff, and students) must wear masks at all times during the class.

6. Please note that there will be no classes on 10/3 and 10/17 due to parish-wide events. There are classes on 10/10, 10/24, and 10/31.

We are looking forward to seeing you in-person in less than a week. All our teachers and volunteers are excited to welcome you. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns at

Joo Won Park
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